Moo setup a shoot with the CPP Equestrian Drill Team because he had some contacts and used to go to school there. Big thanks to Mark the head trainer for coming in on his day off and getting the team and horses ready for this shoot. We ended up with a pretty good turn out, but ran out of sunlight pretty quickly. We started with the group shot and then quickly broke up into groups. I couldn’t figure out much in the way of interesting light, but came away with some decent images.
Like the last one showing equine defecation. The look on the horse's face is telling.
Posted by: Eric Ingram | 09/19/2012 at 06:51 AM
Haha! I totally didn't realize that I caught it mid poop. Goes to show that I had tunnel vision checking exposure and lighting on the rider and wasn't looking at the horse's ass.
Posted by: Vu | 09/19/2012 at 08:07 AM